Nettica VPN Performance

Simply put, our VPN performance cannot be beat. Our competition isn’t other VPN providers or protocols, it’s the line rate. No one can say that! Our superior network design shows itself off with these results. We’ve looked at all the bottlenecks and ensured we weren’t the problem. Even our containerization proved itself out. All tests were carried out using an independent third party,

Wired Connection

Windows 11 Professional running WireGuard NT kernel version and Nettica Agent. The NIC is a Realtek Gbe adapter connected to an Arris NVG578HLX router. The machine itself is a three-year-old I5-10400. Its only real requirement was the ability to saturate a 1Gbps connection, which it can. All equipment is consumer grade. No tuning was done before the test.

Nettica Performance (wired)
Windows 11 wired connection through the nearest Nettica location

Interpreting the Results

In this case, there is no bottleneck. Anything above 80-90% of the line rate is generally accepted as maxing out a connection. For most customers, this is where their ISP will be the bottleneck. Even highly rated internet gateways do not advertise more than 500Mbps WireGuard performance (which means they likely have a CPU bottleneck).


For wireless we used a Windows 11 Professional Dell Inspiron 15 with an AMD Ryzen 5700U CPU and a Qualcomm Wireless 802.11ac adapter to the same Arris router. No turning was done prior to the test.

Windows 11 wireless connection through the nearest Nettica location

At this point, we’re simply measuring the performance of the wireless router (or the wireless card), as that is where the bottleneck is. I suspect we could squeak out more performance if we got a little closer. And that’s the point: you can use our service and have no perceptible loss in performance. If you’re a regular user of OpenVPN, perhaps for work, you know that’s not normally the case with a VPN.

Latency is the predominant cause of lower performance. As you can see from the two ping times above, going from 12ms latency to 20ms latency cut performance in half. The mere milliseconds it takes to talk to your wireless router can dramatically impact high-end performance, where every millisecond counts.


We are a game changer for virtual private networks. Not only do we provide safe, anonymous browsing, but we give it to you with no loss in performance. Don’t be fooled by competitors with their hacked-up go implementations of WireGuard. They can’t manage half our performance. And OpenVPN, well, we consider that our future market share.

Performance can vary widely based on the equipment used. For example, using a Raspberry PI we could not push more than 200Mbps, with or without WireGuard, using a wired connection. That is absurdly bad in comparison, and we will need to investigate further before publishing those results.

Do you have some performance results to share? Send your screenshots to Nettica Support.