Have you been staring blankly at other cloud VPN offerings, wondering why they are so complicated? Would you like a faster and more secure alternative? We’re here to help. Connecting to the cloud doesn’t need to be so complex. Spend an hour using the new way to connect your clouds, while others spend weeks researching the old, slow way. This is the future of networking.
We have pre-built images in AWS or Azure. Each VM comes from an Ubuntu base, as well as WireGuard and Nettica Agent pre-installed. They also have IP forwarding enabled by default for quick and easy routing and configuration. Using our pre-built VMs pays us, so you do not need an additional subscription. Billing through AWS or Azure lowers our costs, so we’re happy to pass along the savings!
Amazon Web Services
Pricing for Nettica VMs typically ranges from 1-10 cents per hour, in addition to Amazon infrastructure costs, depending on the VM size and product. There’s a five-day free trial included. This is the easiest way to learn what you can do with Nettica. Everyone should have a cloud account. Sign up with Amazon and spin up some VMs for free!
Nettica VPN Server on Ubuntu 22.04
Now available! Run your own Nettica VPN Server integrated with your domain’s Microsoft Entra ID or Google Workspaces for authentication. This is an excellent choice for small and medium enterprises! The all-in-one server includes the Nettica Admin and the Nettica Agent, so it can manage your service and users and also act as a tunnel and a relay. It supports basic authentication against the shadow file to get you started right out of the box. It effortlessly scales with you.
Nettica VPN Server supports our “In the Wild” service, where you can create a relay or tunnel service on our website and then install, manage, and control it from yours. Both servers enforce security using OAuth2.
Ubuntu 22.04 with WireGuard and Nettica VPN Service
Consider this your subnet router or VPN gateway. It can connect site-to-site, as a relay connecting all your machines, or even as a VPN gateway where you tunnel all your traffic through it. Running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, the Nettica Agent, and configured for both SSH and Remote Desktop, this VM suits your work style.
Ubuntu 22 with WireGuard and Nettica VPN Service for ARM64
Also available for ARM64 architecture, these little VMs pack a powerful punch. They are faster than comparable Intel-based VMs and have better networking. ARM-based VMs typically offer superior price performance.

If you don’t already have an Azure account, then try one of their free accounts.
Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop with VPN Service built on WireGuard technology (AMD64)
This is the easiest-to-use VM listed here. It offers enhanced networking and easy management. When launching, specify a username/password rather than an SSH key, and log in immediately through Remote Desktop.
You can run the same containers we run! They’re published on Docker Hub. Our multi-architecture builds support AMD64, ARM64, and ARMv7 (32-bit ARM). These containers work perfectly on Linux distributions.
Do they run on Windows? Yes! Both with Docker Desktop on Windows and from within the Windows Subsystem for Linux. You can also install and run the Nettica Client and Nettica Agent UI applications within WSL2. Even Windows Home Edition supports WSL2. This opens up a world of possibilities for Windows users, including subnet routing through a bridged Linux instance to your home. Be sure you have the latest bits of everything. If you have any problems, then contact Nettica Support; we’re very excited about our Docker capabilities and will gladly assist you.
If you need detailed instructions on launching cloud instances and configuring Nettica through SSH, then click below.
Check out this quick tutorial for launching cloud instances