Quickstart with Nettica EZ-Code


This quickstart can have you up and running with Nettica Tunnel Service in less than 10 minutes. If you’re looking for a service to mask your IP address and protect your Internet connection, look no further. Our templated configurations and Nettica EZ-Code make setup a breeze.

Why Nettica?

Why choose Nettica? For one, we offer more with our free service than most with their paid services. Besides just securely browsing the web, you can connect back to your home, connect to the cloud, or even connect with friends and family. All securely using the fastest VPN protocol available, WireGuard. We also provide some of the best US-based support you can find anywhere. We are committed to our customers.

Purchase Tunnel Service

To get started, purchase our Tunnel Service. Many options are available, including monthly, yearly, and buying with crypto. Choose what suits you best. If you’re just interested in seeing what’s available then check out our Getting Started Guide. Simply log in to our Admin and play around. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to use.

Download Nettica Agent for Windows

The next thing to do is download and install the Nettica Agent for Windows. We will be using it momentarily.

Download the Nettica Agent for Windows
Download the Nettica Agent for Windows

It should start automatically after installing it. Just leave it running as we go to the next step.


After purchasing the service and downloading the agent, it’s then time to configure it. Log in to the Nettica Admin using the same credentials you used to buy the product.

Configure Network

Click on the Networks menu at the top of the page. You’ll see a blue banner to configure a new network.

Nettica Networks tab with no networks
Nettica Networks tab with no networks

Click it.

Nettica network created
Nettica network created

Configure Device

Well, that was easy! Now let’s create a device for your laptop. Click on the Devices tab. You’ll see another blue banner. Click it.

Add new device
Add new device

For the host-friendly name we chose “laptop”. We also selected Windows for the platform. The rest of the defaults were fine. Click Submit to add the device.

EZ Code

Configure Nettica Agent using EZ-Code

What’s this? EZ-Code? Cool. It’s time to go to the Nettica Agent running alongside your browser. Click “Settings” and then copy and paste the EZ-Code from the browser to the agent. Then click Submit. If you accidentally click away then you can find your EZ-Code by clicking “laptop” and looking in the right-hand pane. It’s the first item. Note that EZ-Codes are for one-time use only.

Nettica Agent settings
Nettica Agent settings

Now go back to your browser and click OK to the EZ-Code dialog. If you click the Refresh button on the page a few times then you’ll see the icon for the laptop turn green. That means the connection was successful. So let’s add it to the network we created. Click the blue plus sign in the middle of the page.

Add network to the device
Add network to the device

You’ll see this dialog:

Join network
Join network

Select the Nettica network from “Join this network”. You’ll notice the name automatically fills in. Then Click Submit. After a few moments, the Nettica Agent running on your computer will show a notification that the Nettica network was installed.

Configure Tunnel Service

Finally, let’s configure the tunnel service! Where do you want to go today? We have over 20 locations around the world to choose from. Let’s go to Amsterdam! Click on the Services tab and then click Add Service.

Add Tunnel Service
Add Tunnel Service

Choose “Tunnel Service” for the type of service and then pick any region you’d like. For the network pick the one we created, “Nettica” and then choose a DNS provider. Click Submit.

After a few moments, you will receive notifications from the Nettica Agent that your network has been updated, and that your IP address has changed. And guess what? We’re now in Amsterdam! You may even receive a notification from Windows suggesting you change your timezone!

Important Note: Nettica’s VPNs are “always on”. If you want to turn it off, go to Nettica Agent and toggle it off.


Today we learned the quickest way to set up a Nettica VPN. And we barely scratched the surface of the most powerful VPN service on the planet. If you run into any problems then please do not hesitate to contact Nettica Support. That’s what we’re here for. You can also click the links below to find out what else is possible with Nettica.

Related Reading

Getting Familiar with the Nettica Admin

Discover How to Create a WireGuard VPN Using a Raspberry Pi

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